Yasuo quotes

Top 30 Badass Quotes & Voice Lines From Yasuo

League Of Legends is one of the classic games of all time. There are many characters in this game and Yasuo is one of them. Letโ€™s explore the best quotes & captions from Yasuo of League Of Legends that you would love as a gamerโ€ฆ

Best Yasuo Quotes

1. This story is not yet finished.

2. Justice. Thatโ€™s a pretty word.

3. Ninjas; I hate those guys.

4. Just looking for a road home.

5. Brother, what have you become?

6. I will not forget who I am.

7. Scurry back to your shadows, ninja.

8. An unworthy blade meets a cursed mask.

Inspiring Yasuo Quotes & Lines

9. The road to ruin is shorter than you think.

10. Cute mask. Your, uh, mom sew that?

11. A swordโ€™s poor company for a long road.

12. Broken sword. Broken spirit.

13. Another wind blade?

14. This blade never gets any lighter.

15. Everyone faces a reckoning.

16. Which weighs more? Your blade, or your past?

17. Sleep is for the guiltless.

18. Is a leafโ€™s only purpose to fall?

League Of Legends Yasuo Captions

19. Honor is in the heart, not the name.

20. Virtue is no more than a luxury.

21. A wanderer isnโ€™t always lost.

22. Follow the wind, but watch your back.

23. No one is promised tomorrow.

24. I will follow this path until the end.

25. Death is like the wind โ€“ always by my side.

26. Kill me? You can try.

27. Killing people is a bad habitโ€ฆ but I canโ€™t seem to quit.

28. There is only deathโ€ฆ mine, or yours!

29. One blade, one purpose.

30. Some choose their path, others are condemned to it.

The Bottom Line

These were the best quotes collection from Yasuo. We hope that you loved it and encourage you to share it with your gamer friends.

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