platinum end quotes

Top 10 Quotes From The Platinum End Series For A Dose Of Motivation

Platinum End is a Japanese manga series. The story of the series focuses on Mirai Kakehashi a student who attempts suicide is rescued by an angel named Nasse. It is one of the best anime series. Here are the best quotes from the Platinum End anime series for a dose of motivation-

Best Quotes From Platinum End Anime

  • Mirai Kakehashi Quotes

1. I have no family or friends. I canโ€™t go on. Life is nothing but pain. There is no hope anywhere in my future.


2. We live so we can find happiness. Once weโ€™re dead, happiness is out of reach.
platinum end quote


3. But things acquired through theft or deception donโ€™t make me happy.


4. If I have to sacrifice myself, Iโ€™ll do so willingly for Saki.


5. Everyone is born with the goal of finding happiness, and everyone lives with the aim of attaining even greater happiness.platinum end dialogues


  • Nasse Quotes

6. Devils donโ€™t exist. If you say that they do, then they do so within a personโ€™s heart.


  • Uryuu Quotes

7. I donโ€™t feel like doing anything that stupid and lame.


8. Even if I am your stepping stone, I will still be the one to become God.


  • Saki Quotes

9. Watching you has made me feel like I have to find happiness, too.


  • Revel Quotes

10. God should lead people to happiness, not threaten it.platinum end sayings


These were the best quotes from Platinum End anime. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with die-hard fans of Anime.

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