Bull Durham quotes

Top 12 Amazing Quotes From The Bull Durham Movie

Bull Durham is one of the popular romantic sports comedy movies. This movie features the aspects of baseball, training, struggles, conflicts, and the groupies. Here are the best quotes from the Bull Durham movie that will amaze youโ€ฆ

Best Bull Durham Quotes

1. Walt Whitman once said, โ€˜I see great things in baseball. Itโ€™s our game. The American game. It will repair our losses and be a blessing to us.โ€™ You could look it up. ~Annie Savoy

2. The rose goes in the front, big guy. ~Crash Davis

3. You see, thereโ€™s a certain amount of life wisdom I give these boys. I can expand their minds. ~Annie Savoy

4. You know, just because sometimes you manage to be clever and you have a nice smile does not mean you are not full of shit. ~Annie Savoy

5. The world is made for people who arenโ€™t cursed with self-awareness. ~Annie Savoy
Bull Durham captions

6. For one extraordinary June and July, the Durham Bulls began playing baseball with joy and verve and poetry. ~Annie Savoy

7. Iโ€™m Crash Davis, your new catcher, and you just got lesson number one. Donโ€™t think. It can only hurt the ball club. Now come inside, and Iโ€™ll buy you a drink. ~Crash Davis

8. Donโ€™t hold the ball so hard, okay? Itโ€™s an egg. Hold it like an egg. ~Crash DavisBull Durham sayings

9. When you get in a fight with a drunk, you donโ€™t hit him with your pitching hand. ~Crash Davis

10. How come in former lifetimes, everybody is somebody famous? ~Crash Davis

11. Baseball may be a religion full of magic, cosmic truth, and the fundamental ontological riddles of our time, but itโ€™s also a job. ~Annie Savoy

12. Hey. Relax. Donโ€™t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring. Besides that, theyโ€™re fascist. Throw some ground balls. Itโ€™s more democratic. ~Crash Davis


These are the best quotes from Bull Durham Movie. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.

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