riverdale quotes

Top 15 Mind-Blowing Quotes From The Riverdale Series For Motivation

Riverdale is an American teen drama series based on the characters of Archie comics. The story of the series is set in a small town named Riverdale and follows the life of Archie Andrew. Here are the best quotes from the Riverdale series that will blow your mind-

Best Riverdale Quotes

1. I was born alone. Iโ€™ll die alone. Iโ€™ll sing alone. Iโ€™ll be OK. ~Archie Andrews

2. You canโ€™t go through life trying not to get hurt. ~Archie Andrews
quotes from riverdale

3. I donโ€™t know how to do thisโ€ฆ to just pretend like everythingโ€™s the same as it was before. ~Archie Andrews

4. Canโ€™t we just liberate ourselves from the tired dichotomy of jock, artist? ~Veronica Lodge

5. We will find you, we will hunt you, and we will end you. ~Archie Andrewsriverdale quote

6. Itโ€™s like, you know, how in a time of crisis, people either come together or fall apart? It feels like weโ€™re falling apart. ~Betty Cooper

7. Iโ€™m not normal. Iโ€™m not wired to be normal. ~Jughead Jones

8. Doesnโ€™t it ever occur to you how different we are, like on a cellular level? ~Jughead Jones

9. Thatโ€™s the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely have a happy ending. ~Jughead Jones

10. Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. Itโ€™s like this tangible thing that you can point to and say. ~Archie Andrews

11. I donโ€™t follow rules; I make them. And when necessary, I break them. ~Veronica Lodgeriverdale sayings


12. Who wouldโ€™ve thought, at the beginning of the year, that we would all become great friends? ~Betty Cooper

13. In case you havenโ€™t noticed, Iโ€™m weird. ~Jughead Jones

14. I have a plan. Itโ€™s slightly insane. ~Betty Cooperriverdale dialogues

15. From now on, weโ€™re protecting our own. ~Archie Andrews


These were the best quotes from the Riverdale series. Hope you liked this article and make sure to share it with your friends.

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