Danny Phantom quotes

Top 21 Super Heroic Quotes From Danny Phantom Series

Danny Phantom is one of the classic superhero animated series. It features a 14-year-old boy named Danny Fenton who gets superpowers and has the responsibility of saving the world. Letโ€™s explore the best quotes from the Danny Phantom series that are stunningly awesomeโ€ฆ

Best Danny Phantom Quotes

1. Did you see the way all those ghost hunters were laughing at him? How embarrassing. Weโ€™re gonna have to live with my dadโ€™s goof-ups for the rest of our lives. ~Danny Fenton

2. I know I should be concerned, and I will beโ€ฆright after the party. ~Danny Fenton

3. No, actually, youโ€™ve just caught one ghost, three times, all of them me. ~Danny Fenton

4. She really wants to go to the dance. ~Danny Fenton

5. Thatโ€™s because when you invited me, I thought you were joking. ~Danny Fenton

6. Heโ€™s standing right behind me, isnโ€™t he? ~Danny Fenton

7. Itโ€™s a lie, Iโ€™m not a ghost! I mean, sheโ€™s not my girlfriend. Sheโ€™s just going to the dance with me. ~Danny Fenton

Best Bitter Reunions Quotes

8. You fellows look lost; any chance you could stay that way? ~Bitter Reunions

9. Do you know what they say about the bird in the hand?โ€ฆWell neither do I!!! ~Bitter Reunions

10. If this superhero thing doesnโ€™t work out, I could have an exciting career as a bus boy. ~Bitter Reunions

11. Dude, you are a one seriously, crazed-up fruit loop. ~Bitter Reunions

Best Reign Storm Quotes

12. The power isnโ€™t the burden; the burden is in how I use itโ€ฆ ~Reign Storm

13. I donโ€™t know what youโ€™re up to Plasmiusโ€”actually I do, you just told me. ~Reign Storm

14. Well, sometimes I have to use my powers for the greater good. ~Reign Storm

15. You donโ€™t have to trust me, just fight with me. ~Reign Storm

Best Jazz Fenton Quotes

16. You must be so exhausted you canโ€™t even talk. [gets no answer] So Iโ€™ll keep talking. ~Jazz Fenton

17. You better let her know your familyโ€™s insane now, Danny. If you marry her, and she finds out later, thatโ€™s entrapment. ~Jazz Fenton

18. The clumsiness, the nervousnessโ€ฆI canโ€™t believe I didnโ€™t figure it out before. You have a girlfriend. ~Jazz Fenton

Best Mystery Meat Quotes

19. Iโ€™m sure everything will get back to normal by tomorrowโ€ฆor not, maybe it will be worse. ~Mystery Meat

Best The Ultimate Enemy Quotes

20. Youโ€™ve got to be kidding me, name one evil thing Iโ€™ve done. ~The Ultimate Enemy

21. Maybe thatโ€™s all that anybody needsโ€”a second chance. ~The Ultimate Enemy

Final Words

Danny Phantom is an absolute entertainer superhero series. These were the best quotes from the Danny Phantom series.

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