seven deadly sins quotes

Top 12 Inspirational Quotes From The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) is a Japanese manga series. The series follows the story of a titular group of knights representing seven deadly sins. Here are the best quotes from The Seven Deadly Sins series that will blow your mind and give you a dose of motivation-

Best The Seven Deadly Sins Quotes

1.ย  What I desire is a heartโ€ฆ A heart that understands emotions. ~Gowther

2. No matter what lies you tell, you canโ€™t fool your own heart. ~Meliodas
Meliodas quotes

3. Even Though My Life hasnโ€™t been all that great, I figure that if I Live Long Enough, Something good Might Happen. ~Ban

4. Anyone who doesnโ€™t appreciate a good-quality booze doesnโ€™t deserve to drink it. ~Meliodas

5. Calmness is the hallmark of those who are mighty. -Escanorseven deadly sins sayings

6. I have to admit it; you are indeed strong, thatโ€™s if youโ€™re not counting me. ~Escanor

7. Whenever you feel like you canโ€™t win and thereโ€™s nobody around to lean on, say these magic words. Sure, I am more powerful than any of the other seven deadly sins! ~Meliodas

8. Itโ€™s troublesome if the villain doesnโ€™t show their evil. Villains are necessary to make knights into heroes. ~Helbram

9. Itโ€™s fine, if something happens Iโ€™ll come running! ~Meliodasseven deadly sins dialogues

10. You threw away everything precious to you in exchange for that worthless power you are about to lose! That is your sin! ~Meliodas

11. Even if you were to die, Iโ€™d make sure to keep the promise I made to you. ~Meliodas

12. I donโ€™t need a sword. I donโ€™t want to kill anyone. ~Meliodasthe seven deadly sins quotes


These were the best quotes from The Seven Deadly Sins. Hope you liked this and make sure to share it with your friends who are die-hard anime lovers.

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