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Home » Top 30 Inspirational Quotes For Leo To Be Like A Lion

Top 30 Inspirational Quotes For Leo To Be Like A Lion

Leo quotes

Leo is a fifth Zodiac sign that represents fire and lion. They are born leaders, fighters, and brave. Leo’s zodiac is a symbol of brave like a lion. Here are the best quotes about the Leo zodiac sign to give you a dose of motivation…

Best Leo Quotes

1. Leo’s motto: eyes on the prize, feet on the ground, heart on fire. ~Anonymous

2. Leos don’t need anger management. They just need people to stop pissing them off. ~Anonymous

3. The vibration of Leo, ruled by the sun itself, is almost tangible, a thing you can actually feel throughout your whole being in the presence of a lion or lioness. ~Linda Goodman

4. Don’t forget that Leo contains the essence of royalty. ~Linda Goodman

5. You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me. ~Patrick Swayze

6. Leos are sometimes offended by their own attitude. ~Anonymous

7. My sign is Leo. A Leo has to walk with pride. When he takes a step, he has to put his foot down. You walk into a room, and you want people to know your presence without you doing anything. ~Wesley Snipes

8. Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. ~Linda Goodman

9. Leos believe that you’re the ruler of your own destiny, and if you’re not going to change your life when problems occur, don’t cry about it! ~Anonymous

10. A Leo’s motto: I’m not going to change who I am, so you’re just going to have to deal with it. ~Anonymous

11. Leos have trouble finding the fine line between being confident and arrogant. ~Anonymous

12. Leo is a combination of tender, loving soul and a ready-to-snap firecracker. ~Anonymous

13. You can’t kill the spirit of the lionhearted. ~Erin Van Vuren

14. A lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man. ~Turkish ProverbLeo sayings

15. Leos ride a pendulum between overdoing things or just not giving a fuck at all. ~Anonymous

16. Leo is the fire sign ruled by the sun. It represents individual self-expression. The symbol for Leo is the lion, the king of the jungle. ~Joyce Levine

17. Leo is a fire sign, and this imbues them with a great sense of passion. ~Kramer Wetzel

18. Only those who are courageous enough to crack open their shell deserve the love of a Leo. ~Anonymous

19. Leo has the distinction of being the sign that rules the human heart! ~Vera Kaikobad

20. The lion will be a chivalrous and gallant suitor, tenderly protective and sentimentally affectionate. ~Linda Goodman

21. Be patient with Leo. That soul under the armor is worth fighting for. ~Anonymous

22. Don’t underestimate a soft Leo. You don’t want to see the other side. ~Anonymous

23. Lions stand firmly behind their ambition and goals, optimism and pride flow in Leo’s blood. ~Anonymous

24. At the end of the day, I’m walking with the heart of a lion. ~Kid Cudi

25. A lion in love will conquer the world. They positively burst with energy and will fight enemies three times larger if their beloved is threatened. ~Therrie Rosenvald

26. If Leos are getting on your nerve, know that they are not coming down for a while. ~Anonymous

27. Leos have no time for haters. ~AnonymousLeo captions

28. Leo will never stand aside and watch you suffer. ~Anonymous

29. Although I walk with grace, I have a mighty roar. ~Anonymous

30. Leo, the lion, rules all the other animals. Leo, the person, rules you and everybody else. ~Linda Goodman


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